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Classic Cars for sale: Bentley S1

1959 Bentley Hooper S1 Continental

1959 Bentley Hooper S1 Continental

Astoria, New York, 111**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

$ 89500

 (866) 710-3819(866) 710-3819 12345678910of10 Full size photos Full size photos 1959 Bentley Hooper S1 Continental for sale!... more
1957 Bentley S1 Continental

1957 Bentley S1 Continental

Astoria, New York, 111**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

$ 395000

 (855) 675-2431(855) 675-2431 123456789of9 Full size photos Full size photos 1957 Bentley S1 Continental for sale! ... more
1959 Bentley Hooper S1 Continental

1959 Bentley Hooper S1 Continental

Astoria, New York, 111**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

$ 89500

 (855) 675-2431(855) 675-2431 12345678910of10 Full size photos Full size photos 1959 Bentley Hooper S1 Continental for sale!... more
1957 Bentley S1 Right-Hand-Drive

1957 Bentley S1 Right-Hand-Drive

Los Angeles, California, 900**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

$ 29950

1957 Bentley S1
Description 1957 Bentley S1 Right-Hand-Drive Introducing this 1957 Bentley S1 Right-Hand-Drive that is finished in a white exterior complemented by a tan with a wood trim
This Bentley saloon is equipped with an automatic transmission with steering column control, straight-six engine, Stromberg dual carburetors, single exhaust outlet, Smiths instrumentation, chrome trim, chrome bumpers with overriders, Lucas branded taillights / ... more
1956 Bentley S1 Saloon

1956 Bentley S1 Saloon

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 333**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

$ 54999

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