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Classic Cars for sale: Chrysler Imperial

1967 Chrysler Imperial Crown

1967 Chrysler Imperial Crown

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 333**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

$ 14750

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1962 Chrysler Imperial

1962 Chrysler Imperial

Sarasota, Florida, 342**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

$ 72900

 (941) 208-6886(941) 208-6886 Visit eBay Store... more
1965 Chrysler Imperial 4 Door Hardtop

1965 Chrysler Imperial 4 Door Hardtop

Morgantown, Pennsylvania, 195**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

$ 16900

 (855) 201-7026(855) 201-7026 Visit eBay Store... more
1965 Chrysler Imperial Crown Convertible

1965 Chrysler Imperial Crown Convertible

Mesa, Arizona, 852**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

$ 36995

... more
1932 Chrysler Imperial CH Touring Sedan

1932 Chrysler Imperial CH Touring Sedan

Indianapolis, Indiana, 462**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

$ 95000

| eBay Template Year: 1932 Mileage: 80000 Primary color: Transmission type: Engine: 1932 Chrysler Imperial CH Touring Sedan CCCA Premier, Tour Vet High Speed Gears
The Chrysler Imperial, introduced in 1926, was Chrysler's top-of-the-line vehicle for much of its history. Models were produced under the Chrysler name until 1954, after which Imperial became a standalone make; and ... more
1966 Chrysler Imperial

1966 Chrysler Imperial

Sherman, Texas, 750**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

$ 23999

 (903) 765-5076(903) 765-5076 Visit eBay Store... more
1962 Chrysler Imperial Crown Convertible

1962 Chrysler Imperial Crown Convertible

Mesa, Arizona, 852**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

$ 54995

... more
1935 Chrysler Imperial Airflow Series C-2 Sedan

1935 Chrysler Imperial Airflow Series C-2 Sedan

North Chicago, Illinois, 600**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

$ 88600

 (847) 960-3386(847) 960-3386... more
1956 Chrysler Imperial

1956 Chrysler Imperial

Milledgeville, Georgia, 310**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

$ 1000

The car is partially dusassembled. Someone was going to paint it but let me down. The car has factory air, and torqueflite transmission. Engine will not turn over. The body is very rust free overall. Good front fenders, rockers and floor boards. There is some rust in the trunk and right rear quarter under stainless trim. Comes with side chrome and stainless trim, bumpers, birds front and back, door handles and rocker moldings and tail lights and more. Also a good radiator. The radiator support ... more
1965 Chrysler Imperial

1965 Chrysler Imperial

Dearborn, Michigan, 481**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

$ 36000

 (855) 205-6371(855) 205-6371 Visit eBay Store... more
1967 Chrysler Imperial Crown Coupe

1967 Chrysler Imperial Crown Coupe

Englewood, Colorado, 801**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

$ 27000

 (855) 205-6406(855) 205-6406 Visit eBay Store... more
1967 Chrysler Imperial Crown

1967 Chrysler Imperial Crown

Fort Worth, Texas, 761**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

$ 22995

... more
1967 Chrysler Imperial Restored

1967 Chrysler Imperial Restored

Ocoee, Florida, 347**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

$ 5993

 (407) 559-7759(407) 559-7759 Visit eBay Store... more
1955 Chrysler Imperial

1955 Chrysler Imperial

Yorba Linda, California, 928**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

$ 14500

For sale
1955 Imperial 2 door coupe. Newport Hardtop
Low speed roadworthy. Only driven around neighborhood
Runs and drives. Power steering. Stops but you gotta push the pedal hard due to non-stock replacement master cylinder
Some custom work done over the years. Shaved handles and louvered hood
Its a little neglected. Windows do not work and door poppers do not work
Engine believed to be original 331 HEMI
Owned the car for about 6-7 years. Bought it the same as you see ... more
1965 Chrysler Imperial

1965 Chrysler Imperial

Paulsboro, New Jersey, 080**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

$ 33000

 (855) 205-2400(855) 205-2400 Visit eBay Store... more
1931 Chrysler CG Imperial Roadster

1931 Chrysler CG Imperial Roadster

North Chicago, Illinois, 600**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

$ 269500

 (847) 960-3386(847) 960-3386... more
1938 Chrysler Imperial New York Special New York Special

1938 Chrysler Imperial New York Special New York Special

Grand Rapids, Michigan, 495**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

$ 139900

 (855) 206-2357(855) 206-2357 Visit eBay Store... more
1933 Chrysler Imperial 8 Series CQ Coupe

1933 Chrysler Imperial 8 Series CQ Coupe

Morgantown, Pennsylvania, 195**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

$ 59900

 (855) 201-7026(855) 201-7026 Visit eBay Store... more