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Classic Cars for sale: Ferrari 328

1988 Ferrari 328

1988 Ferrari 328

West Palm Beach, Florida, 334**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

$ 179951

Photo Viewer 1988 Ferrari 328 VIEW OTHER AUCTIONS ASK SELLER QUESTION Vital Information Year
Mileage 1988
19, 817... more
1989 Ferrari 328

1989 Ferrari 328

Atlanta, Georgia, 303**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

$ 250000

 (770) 515-0096(770) 515-0096... more
1986 Ferrari 328

1986 Ferrari 328

Astoria, New York, 111**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

$ 56500

 (855) 675-2431(855) 675-2431 1234567of7 Full size photos Full size photos 1986 Ferrari 328 GTS for sale! Stock #: 25569... more
1988 FERRARI 328 GTS

1988 FERRARI 328 GTS

Saint James, New York, 117**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

$ 89000

 (866) 719-3638(866) 719-3638 12345678910of10 Full size photos Full size photos 1988 FERRARI 328 Stock #:... more
1989 Ferrari 328 GTS project car with GTO style bodywork

1989 Ferrari 328 GTS project car with GTO style bodywork

Stafford, ST17***, UNITED KINGDOM

£ 15000

328 GTS project car with GTO style bodywork. No engine or gearbox
This listing is for the chassis, suspension, hubs, bodywork, dash parts and centre console, pair of seats available separately.
LHD USA car. Lots of work to do but will make a great project for someone
Chassis number 804 *
The chassis will need welding work, new sills, doors to be fitted, then the suspension fitting, then the body panels attaching, painting, wiring, an engine fitted etc etc. it is a big project, but... more